Tues, Sept 29: During The First Hours when Saturn turns Direct, Tell the Universe You Are Ready to Get Unstuck, Overcome Your Deepest Past-Life Karma, and Become Spiritually Liberated


Tues, Sept 29: During The First Hours when Saturn turns Direct, Tell the Universe You Are Ready to Get Unstuck, Overcome Your Deepest Past-Life Karma, and Become Spiritually Liberated

from $25.00

This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2020, starting at 12:21pm (Saturn Hora)

During The First Hours when Saturn turns Direct, Tell the Universe You Are Ready to Get Unstuck, Overcome Your Deepest & Worst Past-Life Karma, & Become Spiritually Liberated in This Life

When you dive deep into healing your Saturn karma, you are letting the whole Universe know that you are ready to face the deepest wounds your soul is holding, and you are ready to be spiritually liberated in this very lifetime.

Clearing Saturn-based karma is important -- it's very very important.  It can make more of a difference to your material and spiritual progress than almost any other type of spiritual work.

Working through Saturn karma isn't always easy.  In fact, just by doing a clearing like this, you may have the opportunity to consciously face some areas of your life that you have been avoiding.  However, the clearing itself will also making facing things easier.  It may also resolve your soul's need to have certain difficult experiences continue, or to have them manifest for karmic reasons in the future.

On Tuesday, September 29, Saturn will move direct again, after being retrograde for 4 months.  Saturn will remain direct for the next 8 months, going retrograde again on May 23, 2021.

Saturn's transits between signs, and movements into and out of retrograde are very auspicious "peak" times to work on your Saturn-based karma.  When you honor Saturn's movements by engaging in sacred work during his peak movements, you are indicating your readiness to be spiritually free, to become more conscious, and in no longer letting limiting, deep, past-life karma rule your life.

What is your Saturn-based karma?  It's basically the worst, more difficult karma you have.  It's your worst fears.  It's the type of karma the causes depression, health issues, chronic worry and fear.  It's the karma that restricts your ability to manifest, no matter what you try to do in the physical world to change things.  It's intractable problems, ongoing difficulties, insurmountable restrictions.

If you want to be free, to get unstuck, and to resolve your karmic database in this life, it is critical to participate in this sacred clearing performed at this exact timing.

In this clearing:

  • We will work with 15 Saturn Power Vortexes/Temples, and clear your karma according to every prayer and ritual that has ever been performed there (this part of the clearing alone will clear millions of types of Saturn karma)

  • We will activate 3 Special "Seed" Mantras for Saturn

  • We will activate 3 Saturn Gayatri Mantras for Clearing Depression, Dejection, and Demotivation

  • We will do a karma-clearing based on 9 Great Hymns and Mantras that Heal Saturn Affliction

  • performing 9 additional Saturn-Karma Clearing Rituals

  • we will clear our relationship and inner connection to the Flow of Spirit

  • resolve karmic energies now showing up as Saturn restriction and limitation into greater flow and opportunity

  • clear Saturn-based procrastination karma

  • resolve past life vows and suppressed energies in which we were stuck in dead-end careers, or didn't get to actualize our dreams at all

  • resolve past life vows "not to heal", and not to express our full potential

  • resolve past-life vows we made to block our own career progress, and to “never do that again” (meaning work that is the result of our inner spiritual development)

  • activate and clear your karma based on the energies of 5 Powerful Hanuman Vortexes (Hanuman's energy "controls" Saturn, and working with him can make Saturn's energies more positive)

  • We will perform a group Saturn homa (the energetic experience of a powerful fire ritual for Saturn)

  • We will perform a group Ayyappa homa.  Ayyappa is a Divine Archetype that can control the ill effects of Saturn

  • We will perform a group Karuppasamy Homa.  Karuppasamy can relieve Saturn problems.

  • We will perform sacred clearing work with Dharmasastha, the Divine Archetype who upholds justice, and who can mitigate the malefic effects of Saturn.

  • Will will perform a sacred ceremony to Prajapati and to Yama, the Patron Deity of Saturn.

  • we will clear karma of fear and the karma creating delayed blessings

  • clear karmic blocks to personal discipline, self-control, and self-responsibility

  • general clearing of the Saturn-based karma creating depression and lack of motivation

  • clear karmic blocks to our ability to heal from chronic illness

  • clear karma to increase the amount of income we can handle