Wed, Sept 23: Clearing The Soul's Need to be in a State of Struggle and Problem-Creation
Wed, Sept 23: Clearing The Soul's Need to be in a State of Struggle and Problem-Creation
This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.
Wednesday September 23, 2020, starting at 2:23 pm (New York Time)
Clearing The Soul's Perceived "Need" to be in a Constant State of Struggle and Problem-Creation, or Else it Feels it "Isn't Being Spiritual Enough"
The North and South Nodes of the Moon (Rahu and Ketu) transit into new signs for the first time in 18 months. The first few hours of this transit represent a potent time to clear the karma of inner struggles, the hidden side of our nature, our shadow selves, our deepest fears, and the blocks we have to becoming spiritually liberated.
The soul is your consciousness -- what you have created in the past and still hang on to, and what you are creating right now.
Because of held limiting beliefs, misperceptions, lack of forgiveness, and religious programming, our consciousness may have gotten the idea that you should be creating constant problems and blocks, and be in a state of always struggling, even if your present mind thinks you are doing everything you can to break free from that.
This need for struggle may be perceived by the soul to be important so that you can get God to feel pity towards you and ultimately help you. "No pain, no gain".
This need for struggle may also come from a deep lack of self-love, and the sense that you are not good enough as you are.
What the reason behind this programming, if you have it, no matter what else you do to improve your life, your own consciousness will create and attract circumstances that will sabotage you, take away your good, and prevent you from really succeeding in the first place.
You know you have this particular type of karma is: every fiber of your being says you are trying to get your life to be easy and flowing, and yet all your see are problems, and you continue to struggle day in and day out.
This clearing will be happening on Wednesday, September 23 -- the first day of the transit the North and South nodes of the moon are making into their new signs. The transit of the nodes only happens once every 18 months, so taking advantage of this rare precise timing is highly auspicious.
It is significant and important to do karma clearing work during the first hours of the transit because the nodes represent the reasons why we've incarnated in this life, what is driving us, and the inner forces that are compelling us to act (often unconsciously).
Rahu and Ketu (as the North and South Nodes are called in Vedic Astrology) are karmic "planets", representing the interplay of our past-life karma and our present life desires and ambitions. They represent our inner struggles, the hidden side of our human nature, the interplay of the shadows within us, our deepest fears, our sorrows, our unfulfilled desires, doubts, unhappiness, and the best and worst aspects of our personalities that struggle for supremacy. They represent the stumbling blocks we must overcome to become spiritually liberated.
All of the subconscious tendencies we have towards remaining in struggle and subconsciously projecting problems and blocks into the future -- all of these things can be worked with especially at this peak time of the transit of the nodes.
During this clearing, we will be going into your subconscious, your karma, your akashic records, and clearing all available karma and programming related to:
addiction to problems and to the creation of problems ongoingly
programming within the soul to create more future problems no matter what
reasons the soul wants problems
I don't deserve good.
I don't deserve to succeed.
I don't deserve to have enough money, time, resources in life, etc.
If life got too good, I wouldn't be able to continue to affirm my self-hatred.
I am not worthy, and therefore it is unacceptable, for my life to be too good.
What would "they" think if my life got really good, successful, prosperous, etc.?
I hate myself.
I cannot and will not forgive my parents (for what they did, who they were, what they didn't do, etc.).
I cannot and will not accept who I am.
I cannot and will not accept everything that has happened -- and everything I have done -- in the past.
I hate God / Life / The Physical World / Other People / "Them"
I am unwilling to let go of my attachment to past hurts, because then "they will get away with hurting me".
I get to continue to believe that God hates me, God has abandoned me, it's "God's" fault (not mine), it's "God's" responsibility (not mine), God is withholding from me because I'm such a bad person
I have to prove myself in order to justify being alive.
I have to prove myself in order to justify being loved.
I have to prove myself to show everybody that I'm worthy.
I have to prove myself in order to justify for anything good to come from me or happen to me.
Being in constant struggle creates humility, and will help me surrender more to God.
And several more....
We will also be working with several ancient Rahu-Ketu appeasement and karma-clearing technologies to help alleviate your bad karma associated with these karmic planets, and to give you more auspiciousness and grace over the next 18 months of this transit:
we will be working with 6 of the most important Rahu/Ketu Power Vortexes, and performing karma-clearing rituals for you (energetically) at these locations
we will utilize 8 major Rahu mantras to clear your karma and instill auspiciousness into your consciousness
we will use 9 major Ketu mantras to alleviate South Node afflication and convert your bad karma into positive
we will utilize 7 fire ritual karma-clearing process to alleviate both Rahu and Ketu blocks
Here is a list of the more common issues associated with this bad Rahu-Ketu karma. This clearing will benefit you if you have any of them:
mental instability and distress
separation in relationships (for instance, divorce)
loss of wealth
loss of job, business, or property
dissatisfaction and unhappiness
litigation issues
infidelity of friends
serious illness
out of control behaviors, such as addiction
decrease in longevity
Worsening of health and decrease in longevity
Serious accidents
aggressiveness, uncertainties, and unrealistic vision