Welcome, new friend! Here’s an update on my individual clearing work...
Hey there!
Thank you so much for finding this page, and for being interested in exploring individual work with me.
At this time, I have stopped working with people one-on-one so I can devote more time to developing my group clearings.
So while I won’t be offering you an individual session slot at this time, I want to strongly encourage you to join any or all of my group clearings.
Because it is Spirit doing the clearing work, it is not really necessary for me to consciously know about or try to figure out how to solve your particular challenges in an individual context.
The group clearings are always planned on high-energy peak astrological timings.
I offer 4 group clearings per month, and they often range from 90 to 120 minutes each. This means, on average, you are being held in a high-energy space of karma clearing around 6 to 8 hours per month. This is massive, should you choose to join all of them.
I spend between half and a whole day just organizing, channeling, and figuring out a whole scope of protocols I use in each group clearing. And as there is a whole group of often hundreds of people around the world participating with you, the energy in the group clearings is stronger than in individual work.
To see my upcoming group clearing offerings, please click here: