Clear Painful Emotional and Somatic Memories Lodged in the Cells, Organs, Glands, Joints, Chakras, and Other Tissues of the Body

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Clear Painful Emotional and Somatic Memories Lodged in the Cells, Organs, Glands, Joints, Chakras, and Other Tissues of the Body

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Originally Recorded: Sunday June 26, 2022

Clear Painful Emotional & Somatic Memories Lodged in the Cells, Organs, Glands, Joints, Chakras, and Other Tissues of the Body.

This clearing is going to beautifully complement all the karma clearing work we do ongoingly in these group clearings.

In order for karma clearing work to be truly noticeable and effective to change our present-life circumstances, we have to let it penetrate into our present body-mind reality.

This means that we have to receive the clearing work in the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, and the energy field immediately surrounding our physical body (the etheric body).

We can do this type of work, at least in part, through energetic means, even remote energy work like this clearing.

In this clearing, we are going to focus on how permeable, released, and open your present physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies are.

But we are also going to clear the karmic roots and causes of your present-moment challenges.

We are going to use the physical, emotional, and etheric bodies as our point of clearing and healing.

So this work may feel more intense, and more beneficial to any sense of pain or congestion you may be feeling at these levels.

This work can feel more intense than the normal karma-focused work we do, since we are directly the current of clearing/healing energy to your present body, to help you evolve, release, and experience the blessings of Spirit right here and right now.

This clearing event will systematically work through physical pain, emotional pain, and stuck memories lodged in your various organs, glands, joints, chakras, and other forms of body tissue.

Here are the basic areas of the body we will focus on in this clearing, and the issues in each area that we will clear:

  1. brain, head, pineal gland, crown chakra  |  separation from Spirit, self-contraction, guilt

  2. third eye, frontal lobe, pituitary gland  |  blocks to seeing our spiritual potential, lack of self-trust and trust of Spirit, blocks to visioning and receiving guidance

  3. throat chakra, thyroid gland, esophagus and entire front of the neck  |  blocks to speaking our inner truth, suppressed shame about who we are, blocks to expression and communication

  4. back of neck, cervical spine, occipital ridge  |  resistance to our purpose through fear; real or perceived physical, emotional, or spiritual threats

  5. left and right shoulders and upper back muscles  |  feeling too responsible (or not taking enough responsibility); feeling pressure, stress, and the weight of the world on you

  6. heart center and entire chest area  |  feelings of sadness, depression, despair, abandonment, and unprocessed grief

  7. liver, mid-back, gallbladder  |  suppressed anger, resentment, and stress

  8. stomach, spleen, and adrenal glands  |  body stress from doing too much, emotions causing digestive problems, feeling like you don't have power to change something

  9. lumbar spine, coccyx, SI joints, reproductive and eliminatory systems, prostate or ovaries  |  suppressed fear of living, fear of taking action, fear of moving forward in life, fear of being who you really are (blocks to identity), parental, identity, and ancestral trauma

The main systems of the human body we will progressively work with throughout this session, both anatomically and physiologically, are:

  1. Circulatory system: heart, arteries, veins

  2. Digestive system and Excretory system: GI tract

  3. Endocrine system: glands of the body

  4. Integumentary system / Exocrine system: Skin, hair, nails

  5. Immune system and lymphatic system: lymphatic vessels and defense system

  6. Muscular system

  7. Nervous system: brain and nerves

  8. Renal system and Urinary system: kidneys, bladder

  9. Reproductive system: The reproductive organs

  10. Respiratory system: lungs

  11. Skeletal system: bones and structure

We will also work with alchemizing and resolving imbalances in the most major principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

  • the principles of yin and yang

  • the Three Treasures (jing, qi, and shen)

  • the 5 Elements (metal, water, wood, fire, earth)

Chakra system repair, clearing, healing.

The major processes of this clearing:

  • helping the body to resolve, alchemize, and integrate the experience of any past, present, and potential future symptoms experiences in the physical body

  • helping the soul and body to release, clear, and resolve the perceived "need" for the symptoms to continue (this is an aspect of spiritual clearing)

  • resolving and clearing within the present and past lives, and within the ancestral lineages, and any fields of energy within the collective consciousness the reasons, roots, origins, and causes of the present symptoms (this is where we clear the "karma" of the condition)

  • resolving the experience of discomfort and/or pain, alchemizing the experience, clearing, healing, dissolving the experience of the effects at the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental levels  ---- sublimating / transmuting the experience of the discomfort into health, vitality, and supportive energy

  • During the course of the clearing/healing session, we will progressively cycle back and forth between working with the current experience of the condition and working with the karma behind the current experiences.  By spending at least a full hour in this high vibrational field of healing, more and more of the whole matrix of energy contributing to your challenges will be exposed and brought to the surface, where we will be able to work with resolving it.