Clear "Being Unwanted at Birth"


Clear "Being Unwanted at Birth"

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Originally Recorded: Friday, January 24, 2025

Clear "Being Unwanted at Birth"

Many of us can resonate with this topic, even if we had outwardly loving parents.  Despite what our parents said, or how they may have acted to us, perhaps all parents have experienced questioning whether having children is a good idea.  Even if these are "only" thoughts in our parents' heads, it can impact the children substantially, potentially restricting all areas of life even into adulthood.

The often unspoken fears our parents had can get projected onto us -- fears of being bad parents, fears of children messing up their lives, unplanned pregnancy, fears of not having enough money and time, fears of being required to do work they don't love so they can take care of a new child.

But beyond all of this, we have had thousands -- perhaps hundreds of thousands -- of previous births, and we also have inherited the unresolved karma of our ancestors.  So we are dealing with a lot.

Can we change our parents' energies and mindsets now?  Well, not necessarily.  But we can change how our soul and subconscious are still reacting to and offering unresolved defensive energy around the thoughts and actions of our parents and ancestors.  If our soul is still reacting to being unwanted, it will continue to project that limited reality into creating your life now.  We need to do clearing work to get that old stuff to release.

In this clearing, over 2000 of your personal lifetimes and lifetimes whose energy you've inherited from your ancestors -- per person! -- will be included.

Being unwanted at birth registers as a form of abuse at the soul level, and on average, people reading this are running hundreds of millions of such soul programs.  It can liberate every area of life just to have this stuff cleared.