{video} We have No Problems, Only Blocks in Consciousness
/To book a clearing with me, please click here.
{music} Channeled piano music for reflection, healing, and expansion
/Friends, this music is alternately challenging and expansive to listen to. It was creating entirely spontaneously by me during a live local healing event where people were receiving prayer and healing work. If you stay with me through this 65-minute track, you will feel a range of human emotions, breaking through into more blissful Divine states. Enjoy!
{writing} You are the Answer!
/We often think that transformation, healing, clearing, and the spiritual path in general is about what we can get: how do we get the relationship, the money, the job, the healing, and the "stuff" we're looking for.
Read More{music} Meditation Music to Help Clear Your Mind
/This entire hour-long track was spontaneously created by me as I sat at the piano during a group healing event at a local spiritual community. The track contains powerful vibrations of healing. Just listen, meditate, or put it on in the background as you do other things. Enjoy! :-)
---Love, Michael
{podcast} The Psychology of Clearing the Spiritual Programs of Fear, Worry, & Anxiety
/Please click the triangle below to listen (it may take up to 30 seconds to load):
{writing} The Importance of Clearing Relationship Karma with Our Parents
/For most of us, our relationships to our parents were probably mixed--with some positive experiences, and some not so much...
Read More{writing} Money is a Funny Thing....
/Money. We all need it. We all want it. And yet, it can sometimes elude us--even as we're on a spiritual path.
Read More{podcast} Are Your Thoughts Primarily Positive or Negative?
/This is the David Hawkins Map of Consciousness, as described in his book Power Vs. Force.
{writing} Get Grounded on Your Spiritual Path
/In your path of spiritual evolution, are you bringing enough energy into your physical vehicle? Are you "out there" trying to manifest, trying to have spiritual experiences, out of body? Do you think some angel holds an answer that you don't already have--right here and now?
Read More{writing} Want to know your soul's purpose?
/I have been hearing from many people all over the world recently that they are feeling a call to something higher, something greater than what they were doing in the past, becoming more fully aligned with their soul's purpose.
Read More{writing} Prosperity Prayer
/I was in meditation last night, and I "heard" a prayer, based on the original Prayer of St. Francis, but geared towards developing a consciousness of prosperity.
Read More{writing} Do we really trust?
/Mentally, I know that, in order for me to really tap into the eternal flow of Divine Intelligence, I have to consciously relax and let it in. No amount of force will ultimately substitute for allowing. But I am often temporarily blind to this truth...
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